Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: is it possible to detect it early in pregnancy by continuously monitoring glucose and personal health metrics?

by: Giora Bar-Sakai, COO at Wear-2B

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) reflects a marked intolerance to glucose consumption during pregnancy. There is no universal definition, although a biological consensus is based upon the results of a glucose tolerance test performed at mid-gestation. This has revealed a sustained increase in the prevalence of GDM worldwide, particularly marked in middle income countries both within and outside Europe affecting 8 to 30% of all pregnant women depending on the country.  

The epidemic prevalence of gestational diabetes is both alarming and consequential, as adverse effects can be NCDs on both the mother and the offspring. There is a lack of overall knowledge with only a few identified risk factors and a too late diagnosis for an optimal management of GDM and its consequences. A previous diagnosis of gestational diabetes (GDM) carries a lifetime risk of progression to type 2 diabetes of up to 60%. Identification of those women at higher risk of progression to diabetes allows the timely introduction of measures to delay or prevent diabetes onset and is an easily identifiable high-risk group. 

But it does not stop at the mother: very little is known about the impact that gestational diabetes has on the offspring, and the epidemiology is not minimal: 1 in 6 live births are impacted by gestational diabetes. The literature points to an increased risk of obesity in childhood and cardiovascular disease traits in adulthood - GDM therefore durably impacting the health of the future citizens paving their way into metabolic syndromes. 

Early Detection and management of GDM allows early-stage interventions, providing opportunities for clinicians, citizens, and policy makers, to durably impact and decrease NCDs.  

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Wizmi : non-invasive, continues glucose monitoring & personal health metrics 

Wear2b, founded in 2015 by experienced team with proven track record in bringing revolutionary products to market and building NASDAQ traded company, has developed a patented solution for non-invasive, continuous, real-time monitoring of personal health parameters in the blood. 

Wizmi, our first product, is a novel wrist band wearable device that provides non-invasive continuous measurements of glucose, heart rate and blood lipids for prediction, analysis and monitoring of metabolic disorders, to maintain normal blood sugar levels, make better dietary nutrition choices and improve overall personal health 

Wizmi is based on our patented & proprietary technology using our novel non-invasive opto-bio sensor. We use diffusive spectroscopy, biology, electro-optics, cloud computing and algorithms to build a unique multi trajectories analysis utilizing elements' reduction technology to achieve superior SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) for better and improved accuracy. 


Author's note: 

Wear-2B is committed to improve the lives of people with glucose related issues and specifically Women’s Health: 135 million live births occur every year, 1 of 6 to women with hyperglycemia, 84% of with GDM.

By continuously collecting metabolic data from the 1st Trimester, Wizmi users and healthcare providers can predict  GDM during early stages of pregnancy and enable monitoring and normalization of blood glucose values for normal maternal, fetal and neonatal outcomes. 


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Giora Bar-Sakai
COO Wear-2B



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