Legislative panorama: Focus on Germany

by Andrea Ferrari, VP Business Development @PQE Group

The approval of the law on cannabis in April 2017 marked a significant change for Germany

Before, patients had access to therapies based on dronabinol, a cannabinoid isolated from THC still used by approximately forty thousand patients., However, following the promulgation of this law, prescription of the phytocomplex, that is to say the constituents of the plant, in form of inflorescence or fluid extract, has become possible.

Even though the German market for cannabis is rather new, it already outnumbers Italy in terms of available plant varieties (more than 200 inflorescences), products (around 70 standardized extracts) and companies (with possibly more than 100 operators involved), not to mention in terms of tons of materials consumed every year.

Legislative Germany_Site PQE

Italy consumption in comparation to Germany 

For comparison, while Italy consumes 1.2 tons of cannabis for 60 million inhabitants, the German consumption reaches 10 tons for a population of 80 million. A large part of these 10 tons is actually destined for patients with social issues, individuals identified as pseudo-patients, a term used to mask the fact that 80% of these subjects consume cannabis for recreational activities such as smoking (which is an important aspect to consider while analyzing data, as the expected risk of abuse in Italy is much lower). This is the underlying reason for the interest expressed by the German government towards legalization of cannabis for recreational use – the distribution channels for medical cannabis are being exploited by people interested only in recreational use, coupled with the expected incomes that would be diverted to illegal markets. 

Read the full article on GQC website

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Visit GQC - Glocal Quality Cannabis website, our Medical Cannabis dedicated company


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