Production according to GACP and GMP (2/4)

by Annunziata Lombardi, VP Scientific Affairs and Partner @GQC


Standardized compositions are vital for medicines, especially in the case of phytopharmaceuticals like cannabis. Precise control of cultivation conditions is crucial as the composition of cannabis, including cannabinoids and terpenes, determines its medicinal properties. Even slight changes can significantly impact therapeutic potential hence, rigorous quality control is essential to ensure reliability. These meticulous measures coupled with cloning during the cultivation process help to guarantee the production of a uniform, reliable and consistent phytopharmaceutical end product. 


Standardization and quality control 

An essential requirement for medicines is a standardized composition, as it prevents unexpected surprises regarding effects, guarantees efficacy and ensures purity. For a phytopharmaceutical, such as cannabis, this consists of strict control and monitoring of the conditions in which plants are grown. Cannabis varieties differ in their specific content of cannabinoids and terpenes and the exact combination of these active components in the final product determines its medicinal effect. This means that even relatively small changes in the composition of cannabis can have significant effects on its medicinal properties.   


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Pharmaceutical forms and modes of intake (3/4)

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We will make sure you fully meet the compliance standards set in your country for greenhouses and laboratories and we will help you register your product and sell it in different countries.


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