Medical Cannabis: Quality standards and evolution through scientific research

by: Dominik Marko - Scientific Advisor @ PQE Group

Early use and discovery of medicinal properties and pharmaceutical applications

Cannabis plant in it’s cca 28 million years of evolution found popularity in fairly early stages of our civilization’s development, attracting attention of Asian cultures and travelled west to spread on. It was highly valued for it’s fiber and used often in construction and production of clothing as well as ropes and fishing nets. With lower levels of cannabinoids content, people more appreciated the plants value as a resource than otherwise. After identification of male/female traits and observation of cultivation impact on the crops depending on manipulation of removing males from the population, they also discovered the medicinal properties of female flowers. One of the main therapeutical applications were pain suppression, sleep control and mental illness treatments, meaning Chinese people went fast from observing slight mental effects to wide application in Chinese traditional herbal medicine, lasting for about 1800 years. Cannabis spread to other cultures and continents, being used more or less in the same manner and for similar purposes, showing common point of view among different cultures.





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Late scientific discovery of endocannabinoid system

Scientific approach and interest in biochemical research of the plants properties came relatively late at the end of XX century with the discovery of our internal endocannabinoid system, explaining first questions that were posed since the beginning – how does the phytocannabinoid impact work in our body? After the discovery of first two endocannabinoid receptors in early 90s, we started to search for possible binding partners, which resulted in gradual identification of basic endocannabinoids such as Anandamide (AEA) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG). First biochemical mechanism designs came into life, resulting in clearer view over how our internal endocannabinoid (ECB) system works and how it reacts to external factors like medical cannabis treatment.

Read the full article on GQC website



Want to know more?

Visit GQC - Glocal Quality Cannabis website, our Medical Cannabis dedicated company.


Our experts can support you through every stage of cultivation and extraction.
We will make sure you fully meet the compliance standards set in your country for greenhouses and laboratories and we will help you register your product and sell it in different countries.

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