Are there sufficient educational resources and information available for physicians and pharmacists regarding medical cannabis practices?

by PQE Group

In Italy, in recent years, training for doctors and pharmacists regarding medical cannabis knowledge and prescription has been slowly improving, but there is still much to be done. There is a real need for information, and often it is difficult to find accurate and precise resources. For this reason, we have an internal medical consultancy division that is entirely dedicated to informing doctors and addressing all their doubts, as well as keeping them updated on regulatory changes


Are the patients monitored by the physician during their therapy? 

Yes, doctors monitor patients to adjust the dosage of the therapies they prescribe over time. The dosage needs to be tailored to the patient; there are no standard dosages, but it has to be found in accordance with the patient's needs. 

PQE The expert Voice-Pharmacy- Quest. 5-6

Want to know more?

Visit GQC - Glocal Quality Cannabis website, our Medical Cannabis dedicated company


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